Natalia Martínez López

Born in la Ciudad de Sao Paulo en el year 1975, comienza su relationship with him Galician Traditional Folk los cuatro años cumplido only old part of the grouping of children “GAITEIRIÑOS OS” in the neighborhood of La Piper City.

With this grouping children receive training in dance (Estrella Vieites Furelos) and traditional music (tambourine), choir (José Vázquez couple) and theater (Redondo Jose Santos), consiguiendo several prizes in competitions organized by theater entonces per Box Galicia.

Cuando had 10 years, fue chosen one from among the members of this group, to participate in an international festival and cultural legacy llevar him until he otro traditional Galician side of the Atlantic, Caracas (Venezuela), invited by him Galician Center Caracas, Venezuelan television acting between other parts of the country (Maracaibo, Valencia … etc)

In 1987, it falls within the Association of Choirs and Dances of Sao Paulo in the following su director in charge of training Estrella Vieites and afterwards the hand of Carlos Martinez. With this association is involved in reaching national and international festivals among others, as a member of the Special Jury Award at the International Festival of Kaunas in Lithuania. He was a member of the board as a vowel.

Since the year 1993, begins its journey as a teacher of dance, tambourine and singing traditional, providing training in various groups and associations

-Cultural and Recreational Association of Coristanco.

Grouping-folk “The Gaiteiriños” and Sao Paulo.

School of Dance and Dance Association of Choirs of St. Paul.

It should be noted that it participated in several papers published and recorded throughout his artistic career:

- Disco “punteiriño Sing” (1987). The group of children “The Gaiteiriños”

Discs edited by FACYDE:

- “Sotares” anthology of Spanish folk music.

- “Canciones del campo.”

- “Villancicos and Aguinaldo.”

Today is part of the Folk and Cultural Clustering “Dew” as Pontedeume, becoming dependent classes tambourine and singing traditional school children and youth of the Association, and is a member of the Council acting as Secretary of the Association.

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