2011 Pontedeume’s May

I am proud of my team group and to chair this Association, but above all, I am PROUD of these children. Every Friday and Saturday young and old come to our Association to learn our culture and “folklore”, putting a lot of effort and rehersal time so we can have results like this afternoon:
First prize in the “Maios” 2011, for the “Maio”, the song and stage performance.
This is as a result of the effort the children and the teachers put in every week to try and take the name of the Association  and of Pontedeume to a very high level.
Personally tell you, this has been a great experience, trying to make a “Maio”, because it was something we never made and to be the first time we didn´t do it so bad. I beleive that if a person can make something, then other people are also able to do it., because there is something very important “if you beleive, you can” and that is what has happened to us, we beleived it and we made it with a great effort and working as a group anything can be done.
Therefore I would, I congratulate you and thank you for all you have given this weekend to our Association and the enrichment you have given me personally.

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