Galego Español English CD”ORBALLO” xa á venta!!
Podedes adquirir o noso disco “ORBALLO” nos seguintes establecementos da nosa Vila:- Estanco de Miguel, Calle Real
- Cervecería Beer’s, Avenida de Rajoy
- La Coqueta, Rúa san MiguelAdemáis, no LOCAL de ORBALLO (1º andar do Antiguo hospitalillo) e podemos enviacho por CORREO POSTAL por 10€ + gastos de envío.
- O Concurso celébrao a AFC ORBALLO para axuda económica das súas actividades
- Os membros de Orballo venderán cada rifa a 1 €
- Poñen á venda 5.000 rifas en total
- As rifas postas en circulación van numeradas dende o 0000 ao 4999
- O premio recibirao o posuidor/a da rifa cuxo número coincida coas 4 cifras do sorteo da ONCE do día 11/09/2015. (ERRATA NAS RIFAS, xa que pon as últimas 5 cifras)
- En caso de non se vender o número que coincide co do sorteo da ONCE, ou non coincidir este, con ningún número posto en circulación, o concurso quedará deserto e non se entregará ningún premio.
- Para cambiar o premio, o agraciado ten 30 días naturais contando a partir do 11/09/2015. A partir desa data, non terá dereito a recibir o premio.
- O premio cámbiase na Oficinas de Organiza Viajes (Marques de Figueroa 46, Baixo. 15500 Perlío Fene (A Coruña) nese período.
- O premio consiste nunha estanza dunha noite para 2 persoas con almorzo e cea, a elixir entre unha selección de 100 hoteis e casas rurais de España (Produto de CofreVIP)
- O premio poderase gozar ata Marzo de 2017, na data designada polo premiado e aceptada polo prestador do servizo: Hotel ou Casa Rural.-
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Category Archives: Performances
Orballo baila en el asilo de Pontedeume
El pasado Viernes 14 de Diciembre, los grupos de la Escuela de baile de A.F.C. Orballo, acompañados por los gaiteiros fueron invitados a bailar en el asilo de Pontedeume.
The cantareiras of Orballo with Songs and Dances of Santander in Santiago de Compostela
On Saturday September 15, part of the group of Orballo cantareiras were invited to sing for the Association of Songs and Dances of Santander in Santiago de Compostela, on the occasion of a wedding. The link was held at the … Continue reading
Actuación de A.F.C ORBALLO en el concurso de frutas de Pontedeume
El domingo día 9 de septiembre, con motivo de la celebración del Concurso de Frutas que cada año organiza el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Pontedeume, dentro de la programación de las “Festas das Peras”, el grupo de cantareir@s de Orballo y … Continue reading
School A.F.C. Orballo in San Martin, Cabanas
On Saturday July 21, two groups of the School of Folklore and Cultural Association Orballo participated in the “XXIV Xuntanza Folclórica” organized by the Association Airiños do Frade, San Martin, Cabanas. The event began at 18.00 hours, and now the … Continue reading
AFC Orballo in the procession in honor of the Virgen del Carmen in Pontedeume
On July 16, Folkloric and Cultural Association Orballo, participated in the procession in honor of the Virgen del Carmen, invited by the Guild of Pontedeume Fishing, playing the traditional Arcos Dance Guild. The members of the Association, accompanied the virgin … Continue reading
A.F.C. Orballo organiza o XXIX “Día da Muiñeira” en Pontedeume
On Sunday June 3, was held at the Boardwalk Pontedeume the twenty-ninth edition of the “Día da Muiñeira” Pontedeume. The event involved a total of ten associations from different parts of the province. It started at 17.30 with a parade … Continue reading
The group of tambourine players of Orballo at NovaCaixa Galicia Fundation
On Friday June 1, the group of Orballo tambourine players were invited to perform at the Festival Closing activities to Retirees Club Course in Pontedeume Novacaixagalicia Foundation. The performance began at 18.00 hours, in which those present could hear the … Continue reading
Performance at the Municipal Nursery Pontedeume
On Friday May 25, a dance group from the School of AFC Orballo has performed at theMunicipal Nursery Pontedeume. The event started at 19.00, where children could enjoy the traditional music and dancethat the children in our school performed. We show here our gratitude to the Municipal Nursery, by the fact that every year our association agreed to try their alumn ’s become familiar with the sound and rhythm of traditional music of Galicia.
Contest May 2012, Ponetedeume
The 1st of May, the students of our school participated in the dance contest held each year Mays Pontedeume City Council, with two figures of May, which corresponded to the names “Cruzeiro” and “Asubio Eume”. The competition is the development … Continue reading
2011 Pontedeume’s May
I am proud of my team group and to chair this Association, but above all, I am PROUD of these children. Every Friday and Saturday young and old come to our Association to learn our culture and “folklore”, putting a … Continue reading